Summer 2024 Education & Outreach Initatives

Planet Word Museum Partnership

TRAILS researchers are at the Planet Word museum in Washington, D.C. in partnership with the Language Science Station. In an interactive research study—led by UMD’s Marine Carpuat and Ge Gao—researchers engage Planet Word visitors with Al literacy, and measure how people sometimes rely on imperfect language translation systems. UMD's Charlotte Vaughn, an assistant research professor at the Maryland Language Science Center, leads the partnership with Planet Word.

Middle School

CodeBears at Morgan State University

Morgan State University hosts a two-week summer coding boot camp where middle schoolers have the opportunity to learn about robotics, AI, and computer science. Led by Assistant Professor of Computer Science Naja Mack, the program is designed to be engaging, culturally relevant, and hands-on, with the guidance of graduate and undergraduate student instructors.

This program runs from July 8—August 2, 2024.

High School

TRAILS AI Summer Academy at the University of Maryland

The TRAILS AI Summer Academy is a two-week, nonresidential computer programming and AI summer camp offered to rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Students will come away from the camp knowing how AI can be used to help people and an idea of what kinds of careers there are in AI. Led by Kate Atchison, the Associate Director for Inclusion and Diversity in Computing at UMD, the program intends to create a more inclusive and diverse field of artificial intelligence by targeting and serving underrepresented communities.

This program runs from July 8—19, 2024.

Summer Intensive Modeling Workshop at George Washington University

This 4-week intensive modeling workshop is for students grades 10-12 who have impressive competence in mathematics and data analysis and are interested in expanding their skillset. The program is led by Ekundayo Shittu, an associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering at GW. Selected participants will be paid up to $800 to cover transportation and lunch expenses.

This program runs from June 24—July 19, 2024. Applications are due May 27.


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at the University of Maryland

This 10-week program engages an interdisciplinary team of undergraduate students in research on trustworthy artificial intelligence. Students will be paid an $8,000 stipend and have opportunity to work with internationally-recognized UMD faculty and graduate students.

The program will run June 3—August 9, 2024.


Trustworthy AI Summer Research Bootcamp at George Washington University

This 10-week intensive program provides scaffolding to support interdisciplinary problem formulation, definition and prototyping interspersed with workshops exploring equity in context, policy impact and science communication.