
TedX Talk by Martha James: For Brilliance's Sake, Let The Children Move!
At a TED x Talk, MSU’s Martha James discusses the transformative impact of movement in education, highlighting how high-quality physical education can address academic disparities and promote social justice .

Jung, Peng and Gao Receive AI Seed Funding
Cornell’s Malte Jung and UMD’s Huaishu Peng and Ge Gao were awarded a TRAILS seed grant to explore trust building in embodied artificial intelligence systems.

AI-equipped PC will be One of the Biggest Changes for PCs in Decades
With AI-equipped personal computers on the horizon, UMD’s Hal Daume tells Yahoo Finance that they may not be worth all the hype.

TRAILS Announces First Round of Seed Funding
The eight funded projects, totaling just over $1.5 million, will advance cutting-edge research and scholarship that spans AI design, development and governance.

Addressing Gaps in Data Governance to Promote Trust in Generative AI
TRAILS partnered with the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub to host a conference to identify gaps in data governance related to large language models and discuss ideas to address them.

New York Times-ChatGPT Lawsuit Poses New Legal Threats to Artificial Intelligence
GW’s Robert Brauneis believes The New York Times' lawsuit against Microsoft and OpenAI for copyright infringement is more precise and focused than previous AI-related suits.

The U.S.-led Digital Trade World Order is Under Attack by the U.S.
GW’s Susan Ariel Aaronson weighs in on the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative’s decision to drop longstanding U.S. digital trade demands in World Trade Organization talks.

Rising Stars Workshop Engages Machine Learning Community
TRAILS is a sponsor of the University of Maryland Center for Machine Learning’s 2023 Rising Stars in Machine Learning Workshop, designed to support researchers from underrepresented groups. This year’s committee included UMD’s Soheil Feizi, Hal Daumé, Marine Carpuat and Tom Goldstein.

AI: What’s next in 2024
UMD’s Hal Daumé III shares his thoughts with Yahoo! Finance on how generative AI will move away from general-purpose applications like ChatGPT and toward specializations like weather predictions or medical research.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence to Empower Teachers and Advance Equity
UMD’s Jing Liu is PI of a project that’s developing a machine learning tool to offer real-time, actionable feedback to K-12 math teachers, with the goal of enhancing teaching practices and promoting equity in underserved classrooms.

Can We Have Our AI Cake and Eat It Too?
GW’s Susan Ariel Aaronson addresses what policy makers and industry should be doing to ensure humanity benefits from AI, while mitigating its risks.

UMD Team Wins DOE Award to Advance AI Using Supercomputers
UMD’s Tom Goldstein has won a competitive DOE award that will provide him access to some of the world’s most powerful computational platforms. His team will utilize these platforms to scale distributed AI training and develop new AI vision and language models.

Szajnfarber Named Next Chief Scientist of the Systems Engineering Research Center
GW’s Zoe Szajnfarber will lead the SERC Research Council, which is composed of senior systems researchers across the country who inform and drive research and technical strategy.

Why This Morgan State Researcher Advises Students to Think of AI as a Teammate, Not an Enemy
Morgan State’s Naja Mack will lead a summertime AI research institute at the university’s Center for Equitable AI and Machine Learning Systems. The program will take students from any major and teach them how to code.

Why AI and Data Might Not Belong In Trade Deals
GW’s Susan Ariel Aaronson was featured in the Financial Times for her perspective on the role of AI and big data in trade policy.

The Inside Scoop on Watermarking and Content Authentication
UMD’s Soheil Feizi weighs in on the unreliability of existing watermarking technologies in MIT Technology Review.

Does Banning Extremists Online Work? It Depends.
GW’s Rebekah Tromble tells Vox that the broad reach of far-right extremist groups, such as QAnon, Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, has diminished since they banned from mainstream social media apps.

Israel-Hamas War Misinformation on Social Media is Harder to Track, Researchers Say
GW’s Rebekah Tromble tells NBC News that a pullback in content moderation on social media has helped propaganda about the Israel-Hamas conflict spread.

Tracking Emotions on Social Media to Predict Which Posts Go Viral
UMD’s Cody Buntain is the co-author of a study that strives to understand the emotion theories that play into social media sharing.

Chop & Learn: Teaching Computers to Recognize Food in All Forms
UMD’s Abhinav Shrivastava is teaching AI systems how to recognize objects as they transform into different shapes, such as fruits being sliced.